
For many congregations, Pledges are an essential part of creating and operating by your budget.  Empower seeks to make it easy for you to input and see that data, essentially making it easier for you to minister and make financial decisions.  


Let’s take a look at how to add and utilize the Pledge feature.  


First, let’s navigate to the Donors page (Contributions>Donors).  


Clicking on a Giving Unit in the navigation pane, you will find their contribution details.  

In the profile tabs, you will see the Pledges tab.  Click on that, and you will find the summary of that Giving Unit’s pledges.  

To add a new
Pledge, click on the “+ Add Pledge” button in the top-right corner of the detail pane.  This will bring up a pop-up window.



What Contribution Fund is the Donor giving to?


How often do they intend to give?

Date Range

Over what timeframe do they anticipate contributing?

Amount Per Period

What is the amount they pledge to give over each period?  (ex. $100/weekly)

Initial Pledge

This is any additional amount that will be pledged in addition to the periodic pledge.

Pledge Start Balance

Non-reported pledges either prior to the pledge date or outside of Empower’s records.

Pledge Value

This is the total amount the Donor intends to give over the time frame designated.  


The Pledge feature can be utilized for general giving annually or for special giving campaigns such as a Building Fund.  


If you have any issues with the Pledge feature or would like help making it best work for your congregation, don’t hesitate to reach out.  Our Support Team would be happy to assist you.  

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