1. Overview
  2. Contributions
  3. Deposits (Posting)
  4. Understanding Contribution Deposits

Understanding Contribution Deposits

You have entered your first batch of Contributions.  You’ve physically banded them, totaled them, and are ready to deposit them.  


The Deposits tool does the same thing for your virtual and accounting records.  

Deposits are the accumulated Contributions for this collection or counting period.


Let’s say that it’s Monday morning and you have input all of the Contributions data from Sunday’s collection.  So that we can run better reports, find potential mistakes, and provide accurate information to the accounting department, we want to segment these Contributions.  So, we make a Deposit.  


Once a Deposit has been created, you can easily print off a Deposit Slip for the checks included, print a detailed list of contributions included (with total), or print off a Fund summary for the Contribution Funds that were included in the Deposit.  


Creating a Deposit is important to help keep track of when and how often you are collecting income or receipts.  


The Deposit Page

When you’ve navigated to the
Deposit page (Contributions>Deposit), you will find all of the past deposits show in the 


See these support articles to learn more about Deposits:

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