Contributions Overview

The Contributions tool is where all of your organization’s financial income can be tracked and linked to the members who have donated.


For a quick list of terminology used in our Contributions tool, see our Important Terminology support article here.


Let’s take a look at how the different features of the Contributions tool work together.


Each individual in your system is attached to a Giving Unit. A Giving Unit is made up of one or more contributors within a household.


Every individual who contributes is a Donor.


Each time a Donor gives, it is recorded under their Giving Unit’s record.  


This is known as a Contribution.


Each Contribution is linked to a date, giving method, donor, and is assigned to a Fund.

The dollar amount is input and a memo can be added. 


Then, this is all linked to the Donor and their Giving Unit.  


All Contributions that are recorded are automatically marked as Undeposited Contributions.


After entering a (User Determined) Batch, you can add a Deposit.  Deposits allow you to batch contributions for easier organization but also help create itemized deposit slips acceptable by your financial institution.  


Deposits also provide details of totals given to each Giving Fund during that batch of Contributions.


Giving Funds or Funds are designations for financial contributions.  

Funds are predetermined designations allowed by your organization.  These are typically (but not limited to) things like Missions, Building and Grounds, Youth, etcetera.


Once Contributions are recorded you have the ability to run Reports as well as print off Contribution Statements for each Giving Unit.    


Now that you have a quick overview of the Contributions tool, let’s dive into each section and see step-by-step how to keep track of your organization’s financial income.  

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