1. Overview
  2. Membership
  3. Activities
  4. Activity Roles, Groups, and Departments

Activity Roles, Groups, and Departments

As you add and organize Activities, you will be asked what Group they belong to and which Department they belong to.  

Empower is designed so that these are completely customizable by you and your ministry.

To add and edit the Roles Groups and Departments we will navigate to:

Utilities>Options>Activities (in the navigation pane)

Activity Roles

in the activity designate what role the People who are involved play in the Activity.

Let’s say you’re working to set up Sunday School classes.  Each Sunday School class has a: Teacher, Co-teacher, Outreach, Events, and Missions person.  The rest of the attendees are known as Students.  These would all be Activity Roles.  We will add each of them.  We will edit the Sunday School Activities.  To default new members to Students.

To edit specific member’s roles, navigate to the Activity page and select the activity you’d like to edit.  Find the member’s name on the role and click the three blue dots in the far right column to edit.  

The Edit Activity Member window will show and you can edit the details and add Remarks.

Activity Groups

Groups help you understand who will be a part of the Activity.  Groups are also edited under the Utilities>Options page.  Let’s look at an example of using a group:

You are setting up a Children’s Activity called ‘Muffins with Mom’.  It’s for Preschoolers, so you will set your Group to Preschool.

Activity Departments

Using the same example as above, our Department for Muffins with Mom would be Children’s Ministry because the Preschoolers are a part of the Children’s Department.  

Think of the Department as the group that is responsible for hosting the event.


*Keep in mind that you can leave both the Group and the Department [Unassigned] if desired.  


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