Adding a New Activity

You’re getting the hang of things.  You’re starting to group your people into the groups they belong to.  Let’s walk through the steps of adding a new Activity.


Navigate to the Activity page by clicking Memberships>Activities.


Once you’re there, you will see your list of Activities in the navigation pane to the left. 

Just below the top menu, you will see the Page Menu. To add an Activity, we will click the “Add Activity button and add our details in the pop-up window. 


If you haven’t just yet, now would be a good time to make sure you’ve read through the Overview of Activities support. It will help clarify what an Activity in Empower is capable of tracking.


In the pop-up window, you will find the Activity details to the left, and a grid of current activities as a reference to the right.  


The first detail is the Activity Number.  Be sure to check the current activities to the right.  It’s a good idea to use a common number for activities that are related.  For example, you might use 1000’s for the children’s department and 2000’s for the youth department.  This will give more options for filtering events and running reports later.


The Description is the title you use for the Activity.


Next, you will assign the Group that best categorizes the activity.  Think of this as describing what type of group is participating in the activity.


Under that, you will set the Department that the Activity is under.  Think of this as what Department would be responsible for the Group.  


Group and Department might not be applicable to all Activities. Keep in mind that you can add and edit Groups and Departments by Utilities>Options>Activities (navigation pane).


Attendance allows you to choose whether or not you would like to include attendance for your new activity. 


The Default Role is what each new participant will be set as.  Typically this is the general role of the activity.  For example, a choir group’s default role might be “vocalist” rather than “lead vocalist”.  A discipleship group might default to “students” rather than the “teacher”.  Specific Activity Roles can be defined at Utilities>Options>Activities>Activity Roles.


For more details on Activity Roles, Groups, and Departments click here for the support article.


The last detail asks if you would like to allow Check-In for this Activity.  This will automatically display it in the Check-In tool.  You have two options on when it is actively displayed in the portal:  Always or Only During an Event.  If you select, Only During an Event, it will only be displayed during the times an Event is taking place and that activity is assigned to the event.


Looking for more information about Activities in Empower ChMS, here are a few more support articles you might find helpful:

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